VERCIDA Consulting Service

Take5 Rapid Review and Audit

Service Overview

The Take5 Rapid Review and Audit has been designed to offer immediate insight, advice and guidance. 

Conducted over five days, this process often involves a dedicated team of specialist VERCIDA consultants.

T5 is designed to provide immediate feedback covering a range of decision-making areas, including:

  • Review of an organisation’s end to end recruitment process
  • Review of an organisation’s performance management framework
  • Insight into talent management reviews
  • Insight into employee engagement methods
  • Insight into either internal or external communications


  • Stage 1: Agreement of outcomes: To be achieved over the five day review period
  • Stage 2: Desk top review: Review of the policy, processes or programme under audit and other desk top analysis as deemed necessary
  • Stage 3: Interviews: This involves conducting 1:1 interviews with relevant and diverse stakeholders. Depending on the review in question this could involve internal and/or external stakeholders
  • Stage 4: Focus groups: To ensure we get a 360 degree view from a diverse range of perspectives we conduct a series of focus groups
  • Stage 5: Report and findings: At the end of day five, we will present a report summarising our key findings together with our five key recommendations for improvements

The key benefits of the Take 5 rapid review include:

  • Rapid feedback into an existing policy or decision-making framework allowing for immediate change before a key decision is made
  • A cost effective and time efficient method for reviewing either a policy or a decision-making framework

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