Since VERCIDA.com launched in 2017 the website has attracted over two million visits from 136 countries and over 300,000 registered, diverse candidates, has had four million page views and is now Europe’s largest diversity careers website.
On VERCIDA.com, companies can reveal the ways in which they are diverse and inclusive to jobseekers. With unlimited online content as part of the membership packages offered, VERCIDA.com provides a unique, inclusive marketing service that has so far attracted 1,102,727 article views.
Last year, VERCIDA’s CEO and Founder Morgan Lobb, a multi award winner on diversity and inclusion, spoke about the importance of D&I at the European Job Board Summit 2019.
“I don’t know about you but I don’t want to search one million jobs, I want to search for the job that’s right for me and find the right place to work.
“When we breakdown the population what we’re looking for is an emotional, cultural fit,” says Morgan.
Morgan works with Disability Confident, is a steering group member to the Department for Work and Pensions and is a judge for the RIDI awards (Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative).
He has advised on recruitment best practice to Esther McVey MP, Mike Penning MP and has taken VERCIDA.com to a level three Disability Confident Employer status.
Through VERCIDA.com and VERCIDA Consulting, the umbrella brand VERCIDA Group’s mission is to educate businesses and the general population on diversity and inclusion issues.
VERCIDA challenges all forms of workplace discrimination, whether conscious or not, by training business leaders on topics like unconscious bias, inclusive leadership and inclusive culture through the Consulting strand of the business.
One issue in the recruitment space, and particularly on job boards, is accessibility. During this presentation, Morgan reveals that 110 million people could benefit from better accessibility online.
“It’s been ten years since the equality act and advertised jobs have to be accessible. 22% of the UK population struggle with online content,” says Morgan.
VERCIDA.com is intuitive and accessible, is WCAG AAA rated, can be used by individuals who have complete sight loss, dyslexia, English as a second language, mobility impairments and/or those with neurological issues.
Watch the full video to find out more about VERCIDA and why diversity, inclusion and accessibility are important in the recruitment sector.