Research suggests that diverse and inclusive organisations create high levels of employee motivation, creativity, innovation and performance. However, current data suggests that organisations have a long way to go to increase both levels of organisational diversity and organisational inclusivity and belonging.
To help us to map out current activities and trends VERCIDA Consulting have teamed up with d&i leaders, to assess how D&I professionals view the current landscape. The survey includes 20 questions in total separated into three sections - Leadership Commitment to Your Organisations D&I Agenda, Your Role as a D&I Practitioner and Company culture and Sense of Belonging.
Points to note:
- The estimated completion time is 8 minutes
- This survey is intended for in-house UK diversity, inclusion and HR related recipients only
- Data you enter will be treated confidentially with aggregated data used for reporting. No individual data will be shared.
The findings of our research will help to inform the profession and wider business activity by identifying best practice and future challenges.
All respondents will receive a copy of our final report. The results will be emailed to you (if email provided). If an email is not provided, please see our website vercidagroup.com for download instructions once results are available.